Social Ratings of Application Permissions (Part 1: Some Basic Conditions)
Tags: Android, Permissions, Security, User Studies
Posted on 18 May 2013.(This is the first post in our series on Android application permissions. Click through for Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.)
Smartphones obtain their power from allowing users to install arbitrary apps to customize the device’s behavior. However, with this versatility comes risk to security and privacy.
Different manufacturers have chosen to handle this problem in different ways. Android requires all applications to display their permissions to the user before being installed on the phone (then, once the user installs it, the application is free to use its permissions as it chooses). The Android approach allows users to make an informed decision about the applications they choose to install (and to do so at installation time, not in the midst of a critical task), but making this decision can be overwhelming, especially for non-expert users who may not even know what a given permission means. Many applications present a large number of permissions to users, and its not always clear why an application requires certain permissions. This requires users to gamble on how dangerous they expect a given application to be.
One way to help users is to rely on the expertise or experiences of other users, an approach that is already common in online marketplaces. Indeed, the Android application marketplace already allows users to rate applications. However, these reviews are meant to rate the application as a whole, and are not specific to the permissions required by the application. Therefore the overall star rating of an application is largely indicative of users’ opinions of the functionality of an application, not the security of the application. When users do offer opinions about security and privacy, as they sometimes do, these views are buried in text and lost unless the user reads all the comments.
Our goal is to make security and privacy ratings first-class members of the marketplace rating system. We have begun working on this problem, and will explain our preliminary results in this and a few more blog posts. All the experiments below were conducted on Mechanical Turk.
In this post, we examine the following questions:
- Will people even rate the app's permissions? Even when there are lots of permissions to rate?
- Does users’ willingness to install a given application change depending on when they are asked to make this choice - before they’ve reflected on the individual permissions or after?
- Do their ratings differ depending on how they were told about the app?
We created surveys that mirrored the data provided by the Android installer (and as visible on the Google Play Web site). We examined four applications: Facebook, Gmail, Pandora, and Angry Birds. We asked respondents to rate the acceptability of the permissions required by each application and state whether they would install the application if they needed an app with that functionality.
In the first condition, respondents were asked whether they would install the app before
or after they were asked to rate the app’s individual permissions. In this case, only Angry
Birds showed any distinction between the two conditions: Respondents were more likely to install
the application if the were asked after they were asked to rate the permissions.
Overall, however, the effect of asking before or after was very small; this is good, because it
suggests that in the future we can ignore the overall rating, and it also offers some flexibility for
interface design.
The second condition was how the subject heard about the app (or rather, how they were asked to
imagine they heard about it). Subjects were asked to imagine either that the app had been recommended
to them by a colleague, that the app was a top “featured app” in the app store, or that the
app was a top rated app in the app store. In this case, only Facebook showed any interesting results:
respondents were less likely to install the application if it had been recommended by a colleague than
if it was featured or highly rated. This result is particularly odd given that, due to the network effect
of an app like Facebook, we would expect the app to be more valuable if friends or colleagues also use it.
We would like to study this phenomenon further.
Again, though this finding may be interesting, the fact that it has so little impact means we can set this
condition aside in our future studies, thus narrowing the search space of factors that do affect how users
rate permissions.
That concludes this first post on this topic. In future posts we’ll examine the effect of branding, and present detailed ratings of apps in one particular domain. Stay tuned!
There's more! Click through to read Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4 of the series!