S5: Semantics for Accessors

Tags: JavaScript, Programming Languages, Semantics

Posted on 11 December 2011.

Getters and setters (known as accessors) are a new feature in ECMAScript 5 that extend the behavior of assignment and lookup expressions on JavaScript objects. If a field has a getter defined on it, rather than simply returning the value in field lookup, a getter function is invoked, and its return value is the result of the lookup:

var timesGotten = 0;
var o = {get x() { timesGotten++; return 22; }};
o.x;         // calls the function above, evaluates to 22
timesGotten; // is now 1, due to the increment in the getter
o.x;         // calls the function above, still evaluates to 22
timesGotten; // is now 2, due to another increment in the getter

Similarly, if a field has a setter defined on it, the setter function is called on field update. The setter function gets the assigned value as its only argument, and its return value is ignored:

var foo = 0;
var o = {set x(v) { foo = v; }};
o.x = 37; // calls the function above (with v=37)
foo;      // evaluates to 37
o.x;      // evaluates to undefined

Getters and setters have a number of proposed uses―they can be used to wrap DOM objects that have interesting effects on assignment, like onmessage and onbeforeunload, for example. We leave discovering good uses to more creative JavaScript programmers, and focus on their semantic properties here.

The examples above are straightforward, and it seems like a simple model might work out quite easily. First, we need some definitions, so we'll start with what's in λJS. Here's a fragment of the values that λJS works with, and the most basic of the operations on objects:

v := str  | { str1:v1, ⋯, strn:vn } | func(x ⋯) . e | ⋯
e := e[e] | e[e=e] | e(e, ⋯) | ⋯

  { ⋯, str:v, ⋯ }[strx] → v
  when strx = str

  { ⋯, str:v, ⋯}[strx=v'] → { ⋯, str:v', ⋯}
  when strx = str

  { str1:v1, ⋯}[str=v] → { str:v, str1:v1, ⋯}
  when str ≠ str1, ⋯

We update and set fields when they are found, and add fields if there is an update on a not-found field. Clearly, this isn't enough to model the semantics of getters and setters. On lookup, if the value of a field is a getter, we need to have our semantics step to an invocation of the function. We need to make the notion of a field richer, so the semantics can have behavior that depends on the kind of field. We distinguish two kinds of fields p, one for simple values and one for accessors:

p := [get: vg, set: vs] | [value: v]
v := str  | { str1:p1, ⋯, strn:pn } | func(x ⋯) . e | ⋯
e := e[e] | e[e=e] | e(e, ⋯) | ⋯

The updated rules for simple values are trivial to write down (differences in bold):

  { ⋯, str:[value:v], ⋯ }[strx] → v
  when strx = str

  { ⋯, str:[value:v], ⋯}[strx=v'] → { ⋯, str:[value:v'], ⋯}
  when strx = str

  { str1:v1, ⋯}[str=v] → { str:[value:v], str1:v1, ⋯}
  when str ≠ str1, ⋯

But now we can also handle the cases where we have a getter or setter. If a lookup expression e[e] finds a getter, it applies the function, and the same goes for setters, which get the value as an argument:

  { ⋯, str:[get:vg, set:vs], ⋯ }[strx] → vg()
  when strx = str

  { ⋯, str:[get:vg, set:vs], ⋯}[strx=v'] → vs(v')
  when strx = str

Great! This can handle the two examples from the beginning of the post. But those two examples weren't the whole story for getters and setters, and our first fragment wasn't the whole story for λJS objects.

Consider this program:

var o = {
  get x() { return this._x + 1; },
  set x(v) { this._x = v * 2; }
o.x = 5; // calls the set function above (with v=5)
o._x;    // evaluates to 10, because of assignment in the setter
o.x;     // evaluates to 11, because of addition in the getter

Here, we see that the functions also have access to the target object of the assignment or lookup, via the this parameter. We could try to encode this into our rules, but let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. JavaScript objects have more subtleties up their sleeves. We can't forget about prototype inheritance. Let's start with the same object o, this time called parent, and use it as the prototype of another object:

var parent = {
  get x() { return this._x + 1; },
  set x(v) { this._x = v * 2; }
var child = Object.create(parent);
child.x = 5; // Sets... what exactly to 10?
parent._x;   // ??? 
child._x;    // ??? 
parent.x;    // ??? 
child.x;     // ??? 

Take a minute to guess what you think each of the values should be. Click here to see the answers (which hopefully are what you expected).

So, JavaScript is passing the object in the lookup expression into the function, for both field access and field update. Something else subtle is going on, as well. Recall that before, when an update occurred on a field that wasn't present, JavaScript simply added it to the object. Now, on field update, we see that the assignment traverses the prototype chain to check for setters. This is fundamentally different from JavaScript before accessors―assignment never considered prototypes. So, our semantics needs to do two things:

  • Pass the correct this argument to getters and setters;
  • Traverse the prototype chain for assignments.

Let's think about a simple way to pass the this argument to getters:

  { ⋯, str:[get:vg, set:vs], ⋯ }[strx] → vg({ ⋯, str:[get:vg, set:vs], ⋯ })
  when strx = str

Here, we simply copy the object over into the first argument to the function vg. We can (and do) desugar functions to have an implicit first this argument to line up with this invocation. But we need to think carefully about this rule's interaction with prototype inheritance.

Here is E-Lookup-Proto from the original λJS:

  { str1:v1, ⋯, "__proto__": vp, strn:vn, ⋯}[str] → vp[str]
  when str ≠ str1, ⋯, strn, ⋯

Let's take a moment to look at this rule in conjunction with E-LookupGetter. If the field isn't found, and __proto__ is present, it looks up the __proto__ field and performs the same lookup on that object (we are eliding the case where proto is not present or not an object for this presentation). But note something crucial: the expression on the right hand side drops everything about the original object except its prototype. If we applied this rule to child above, the getter rule would pass parent to the getter instead of child!

The solution is to keep track of the original object as we traverse the prototype chain. If we don't, the reduction relation simply won't have the information it needs to pass in to the getter or setter when it reaches the right point in the chain. This is a deep change―we need to modify our expressions to get it right:

p := [get: vg, set: vs] | [value: v]
v := str  | { str1:p1, ⋯, strn:pn } | func(x ⋯) . e | ⋯
e := e[e] | e[e=e] | ev[e] | ev[e=e] | e(e, ⋯) | ⋯

And now, when we do a prototype lookup, we can keep track of the same this argument (written as vt) the whole way up the chain, and the rules for getters and setters can use this new piece of the expression:

  { str1:v1, ⋯, "__proto__": vp, strn:vn, ⋯}vt[str] → vpvt[str]
  when str ≠ str1, ⋯, strn, ⋯

  { ⋯, str:[get:vg, set:vs], ⋯ }vt[strx] → vg(vt)
  when strx = str

  { ⋯, str:[get:vg, set:vs], ⋯}vt[strx=v'] → vs(vt,v')
  when strx = str

This idea was inspired by Di Gianantonio, Honsell, and Liquori's 1998 paper, A lambda calculus of objects with self-inflicted extension. They use a similar encoding to model method dispatches in a small prototype-based object calculus. The original expressions, e[e] and e[e=e], simply copy values into the new positions once the subexpressions have reduced to values:

  v[str] → vv[str]

  v[str=v'] → vv[str=v']

The final set of evaluation rules and expressions is a little larger:

p := [get: vg, set: vs] | [value: v]
v := str  | { str1:p1, ⋯, strn:pn } | func(x ⋯) . e | ⋯
e := e[e] | e[e=e] | ev[e] | ev[e=e] | e(e, ⋯) | ⋯

  v[str] → vv[str]

  v[str=v'] → vv[str=v']

  { ⋯, str:[get:vg, set:vs], ⋯ }vt[strx] → vg(vt)
  when strx = str

  { str1:v1, ⋯, "__proto__": vp, strn:vn, ⋯}vt[str] → vpvt[str]
  when str ≠ str1, ⋯, strn, ⋯

  { ⋯, str:[get:vg, set:vs], ⋯}vt[strx=v'] → vs(vt,v')
  when strx = str

  { str1:v1, ⋯, "__proto__": vp, strn:vn, ⋯}vt[str=v'] → vpvt[str=v']
  when str ≠ str1, ⋯, strn, ⋯

This is most of the rules―we've elided some details to only present the key insight behind the new ones. Our full semantics (discussed in our last post), handles the details of the arguments object that is implicitly available within getters and setters, and using built-ins, like defineProperty, to add already-defined functions to existing objects as getters and setters.